Welcome Off the Mat!

In sub-Saharan Africa, 11.6 Million children have been orphaned by HIV/AIDS and 1.8 Million children have HIV/AIDS themselves. 42 million children do not have access to basic needs---clean water, healthy food, or education.

You & I can help.

I am teaming with Off the Mat, Into the World to help African children infected/orphaned/affected by HIV/AIDs. I am raising $20,000 & traveling to Africa in February 2010 to work with these children.

With your help, we will provide:

COMFORT: We will buy new mattresses, water filtration system, and supplies for New Hope School and Orphanage, home to 350 HIV orphans.

EDUCATION: We will purchase land and construct a school for 325 children with Building Tomorrow and local villagers.

PREVENTION: With Shanti Uganda, we will build a birthing/vocational center for HIV mothers to prevent mother-to-child-transmission to babies.

PROTECTION: With YouthAIDS we will work to educate youth and prevent further future spread of HIV/AIDs.

Please DONATE to this worthy cause today!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

We Did It!!!

Together we raised $22,356.50 for African children infected/orphaned/affected by HIV & AIDs. Add that to the other project participants' contributions, and together we raised $500,000!

I want to thank each and every person who lent their support to me this year through their donations, time, and kind words! There is no way I could have journeyed this far without you and I will never forget your support.

Though I will be traveling to Africa to work with these children, and help build the school & birthing center, I will be sure that they know of the many friends back home that care about them as well.

I will be blogging for Yoga Journal throughout my stay so you can see the wonderful work you made possible!!


Monday, December 14, 2009

One Day Left!!!

Tomorrow is the last day of fundraising for my African HIV kids project!! Donate now to give comfort & hope to these children: www.sugiforkids.blogspot.com

Sunday, December 13, 2009

This is It--2 Days left to Donate!

If you haven't donated to my African HIV children's project, it's now or never! Join us in giving hope & comfort to children this holiday season: www.sugiforkids.blogspot.com.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

The Final countdown--5 days left!!

My fundraising for African HIV children is coming to a close. With only 5 days left, now is the perfect time to reach out in the holiday spirit and help these children with a tax-deductible donation: www.sugiforkids.blogspot.com.

Happy holidays!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Art for Life!

A dear friend & artist painted a beautiful African landscape to specifically raise money for my African HIV children's project. The painting is based on a photograph that her daughter took while working with African AIDS orphans. It is a peaceful watercolor of Swaziland and a blooming Erythrina tree.

The painting would make an ideal holiday gift--Art for Life.
It is available for viewing/auction at ebay:

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

World AIDS Day 2009

On this World AIDS Day, 33 million people live with HIV/AIDs. 2 million of them are children living in sub-Saharan Africa. Actively support these children and prevent more children from being born with this disease by giving today: www.sugiforkids.blogspot.com

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Give thanks & Share your blessings!

This Thanksgiving, give thanks that you had a healthy childhood, with parents, education & food. Share with children that have none of these blessings by donating to African HIV children: www.sugiforkids.blogspot.com

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

$19,001 raised, $999 to goal!!

Only $999 to raise in the next few weeks for my African HIV Kids Project--this is getting exciting!! www.sugiforkids.blogspot.com

Friday, November 13, 2009

ONE MONTH left -- $1,800 to go!! www.sugiforkids.blogspot.com

I've raised $18,200 for my African HIV kids project, which leaves $1,800 to go!

With one month left, I am organizing two Thanksgiving yoga benefit classes & pestering folks for donations to no end. I am also been getting vaccines to avoid a number of horrible diseases that still plague Africa: polio, typhoid, yellow fever, Hep A, Hep B, meningitis, etc.

Make your tax-deductible donation to help these kids today!!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Thanksgiving Yoga to Benefit HIV kids -- Share Your Blessings!!

I am sending out invites far and wide for all to share their blessings this Thanksgiving weekend for yoga to benefit African children infected/orphaned/affected by HIV. www.sugiforkids.blogspot.com

THREE of my yoga teachers are giving donation-based classes this Thanksgiving weekend in the spirit of gratitude: pre-turkey, Thanksgiving morning class (Nov. 26), & post-turkey, Sunday afternoon class (Nov.29).

Donations will purchase new mattresses & supplies for an HIV orphanage, construct a school, and build a birthing/vocational center for HIV pregnant women to prevent mother-to-child-transmission of HIV to babies.

I have raised over $18,200 and will travel to Africa in February to work with these children.

Even if you are unable to join us , please make a tax-deductible donation: www.sugiforkids.blogspot.com



Sunday, October 25, 2009

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Calling all Michigan Fans!

Picture yourself sitting in Michigan football stadium. Now picture each of 110,000 seats in The Big House filled with a child. Multiply that by 10.

Now you can visualize the 1.8 million children that are infected with HIV/AIDs in sub-saharan Africa.

Multiply Michigan stadium by 100 and you can picture the 11.6 million children orphaned by HIV/AIDs in sub-saharan Africa.

Together, we can help. I am raising donations and traveling to Africa to work with these children. You can help by donating today: www.sugiforkids.blogspot.com

Proceeds will be used to purchase mattresses & supplies for an HIV orphanage, construct a school for HIV children, and build a birthing/vocational center for HIV pregnant women to prevent mother-to-child-transmission of HIV to babies.

Go Blue!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Holy Smokes!

I've passed the $18,000 mark--only $1,994 to raise!!!
Donate today: www.sugiforkids.blogspot.com

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Fall & Kids!!

I'm here in Michigan enjoying the fall colors and visiting family. All week long, I have been playing with my 2-year old niece, running around, collecting leaves, having tea parties, etc. What a joy she is!

Being with her reminds me that ALL children are precious & that we grown-ups have a responsibility--to make sure that children with NO family to care for them don't suffer.

Join me in helping provide comfort and care to little African HIV children by donating today: www.sugiforkids.blogspot.com!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Birthdays Rock!

Birthdays rock and not just because it is the day of "you"--the gifts matter! This b-day surpassed my ninth one-- with its pinata, rubik's cube, and plastic high-heeled-glitter shoes. For this year my friends lent me a hand in helping HIV African children. There is no greater gift than that!

My thanks to all who made my b-day wish come true,

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Birthdays & Wishes

Today, I celebrate my 35th b-day. It's a Big one, but a good one. I have a solid footing in adulthood and in my self. With that comes insight coupled with a compassion and desire to help others.

As you know, this year my focus is on children and what I perceive as one of the most vulnerable populations on this earth--orphaned African children with HIV. I have seen HIV children suffering without medication & die as none of us should. So what can I/we do? We can provide medicines to ease suffering, comfort, and most of all efforts to prevent other children from meeting the same fate. This is my project goal.

As my project nears year end, my birthday wish is that others will continue to join me in helping these children. www.sugiforkids.blogspot.com

megan, aka "the b-day girl"

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Yoga, yoga, yoga...

Last Sunday, my longtime yoga teacher Ann led a benefit class for my African HIV children's project. The intention for our practice was "selfless service." Ann reminded us that our efforts, and the intentions behind our actions, are what matter--the results are beyond our control.

These words of wisdom were just the reminder I needed--although I set a $20,000 fundraising goal, the actions that I am taking at this moment are what truly matter.

Please take this moment to support these children with me:

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Yoga Benefit Class!

This Sunday afternoon, my long-time yoga teacher, Ann Merlo is teaching a Yoga Benefit Class for my HIV African children's project. Ann has taught yoga since 1993 & has graciously agreed to (once again) help me on my yoga journey by teaching this donation class.

This all-level, Iyengar benefit class is on Sunday, Sept 13th from 2-3:30pm at California Yoga Center's Mountain View studio [570 Showers Drive - San Antonio Center]. The requested minimum donation is $17. All proceeds will benefit African children infected/orphaned/affected by HIV.

Join us if you can or help support this worthy cause by donating today! www.sugiforkids.blogspot.com


Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Back-to-School for One-and-All!

It's that time of year when our little ones head back-to-school with new backpacks, lunch-boxes, & crayons, but many children have no school to attend. Building Tomorrow is changing that one school at a time and we can help.

I am heading to Africa to help build a ten-room primary school for 325 orphans. You can help by donating to purchase needed supplies (listed below) at www.sugiforkids.blogspot.com:

Set of pens & pencils for a whole class: $10
Bag of cement: $25
Desk set (seats three kids): $60
Classroom chalkboard: $125
Soccer field: $450
Classroom set of desks: $900
Library: $4500

Together, we can ensure that all children get a chance to go back-to-school!

Tea in the Company of Cheerful ladies

Last Sunday afternoon, mom & I hosted our fundraising tea for African children affected by HIV. Ladies of all ages (& the neighbor cat) gathered, chatted, ate, & drank LOTs of tea in the shade of my big pine tree. It was not only a lovely afternoon, but a resounding success! Tea-goers and invitees donated $750 for the children's HIV project. Moreover, we each had the pleasure of enjoying an afternoon in the company of cheerful ladies.* Even if you couldn't join us, please consider making a donation to this worthy cause at www.sugiforkids.blogspot.com.

*"In the Company of Cheerful Ladies" was an apt description borrowed from one of Alexander McCall Smith's No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency books, set in Africa and a lovely read.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Let's Have a Tea Party!

My next fundraising activity is fast approaching--a Sunday afternoon Ladies Tea Party, co-hosted with my mama at my little house!

We will be enjoying teas from around the world, coupled with yummy food to complement each tea. There will be green tea from Shizuoka, Japan (where the Sugiyamas live), African red rooibos tea (courtesy of my co-worker from South Africa), & plenty of English tea with scones & cream, too!!

The party is "B.Y.O.T.C." (Bring Your Own Tea Cup) -- guests are bringing their favorite cup to sip from!

This tea will benefit Ugandan children orphaned/infected/or otherwise affected by HIV/AIDs.

Even if you are not able to join us for tea, please consider making a tax-deductible donation to this worthy cause via my project website: www.sugiforkids.blogspot.com

Thursday, July 23, 2009

What we can accomplish if we work together...

Like me, 120 people around the world have committed to raise money and awareness for this African children HIV project. So far, we have raised $120,000! To think of the beds, books, bricks, medicines, this money will buy for these children is truly great, but perhaps even greater is the message that this sends--these children will know that people in this world, that they don't even know, care about them and want them to be safe, healthy, and successful!

Now that is an accomplishment!

Donate today: www.sugiforkids.blogspot.com

Monday, July 20, 2009

So how much does a school cost?

Off the Mat Into the World and Ambassadors for Children have partnered with Building Tomorrow to build a primary school, housing for all seven teachers and their families and develop a farm on the school’s property, all for $125,000.

Without housing, it is not uncommon for teachers in Uganda to walk long distances to and from work each morning or live separate from their families. Without providing a meal at school, students often must go an entire school day without eating.

Monies raised during the Seva Challenge will give hundreds of students the same opportunities we so often take for granted-the opportunity to receive an education.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Bricks, Pigs and School Fees...

Part of the proceeds of my project go to Shanti Uganda, to build a new birthing/vocational center for HIV women.

It's been 4 months since the last group of women graduated from Shanti Uganda's vocational program and began making an income. Friends ask them where they work because they see them improving day and night--they respond that it is an Angel which came from above and brought Shanti Uganda which causes great change in their lives. When asked what they had achieved through Shanti Uganda's vocational program, they responded:

Nakabugo Jesca: bought building supplies and now ready to start building a house for her family.

Nakaggwe Florence bought a bicycle now doing bodaboda (bodas are what we ride to get around in uganda - this means she's started up her own bike taxi business) in Kasana getting daily income and also bought pigs.

Nakiganda daisy bought pigs and paid school fees for kids

Nassuna Hadijah bought shoes and paid school fees for children

Nankinga Grace bought bedding and bought pigs

Namusisi Jaria bought 2000brics for her to start building a house paid school fees for her children.

Naamala Edith bought a phone and pigs .

Nampa Veronica bought 3000brics for her house and bedding.

Nakkazi Racheal bought beddings and put more money in her farming and also paying school fees for her children.

Nakyanzi Rose bought pigs and paid school fees

Nakanwagi Lydia bought doors for her house and paid school fees.

Yvonne Ssenvuma put electricity in her house and paid school fees for her children.

Nalubega Prosy bought suitcase, pigs, phone, bedding and paid school fees.

Babirye Teopista bought bedding, paid rent, bought cattle and paid school fees.

Nalongo Kiguli paid school fees and she is feeding well now.

Your donations empower women to provide for their families: www.sugiforkids.blogspot.com

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

United We Serve

This summer, President Obama is calling on all of us to serve.

This year, I chose to work with African children orphaned by/ born with/or otherwise impacted by HIV, because they are the most vulnerable population on this planet. Providing these children with HIV medication, beds, clean water, food, and education is the least I can do. In addition, easing their burden & preventing more children from suffering this same fate serves our entire global community.

Join me in this service by donating: www.sugiforkids.blogspot.com

Friday, June 12, 2009

Half-way point, more than half-way there!‏

This week marks the half-way point for my year-long project for African children infected/orphaned/affected by HIV/AIDs. I am happy to report that I am more than half-way to my $20,000 goal.

With the support of friends, family, and local community, I have raised $10,015, which leaves $9,985 to go! Just last week, I held a garage sale with my neighbors' help & donations to raise $520.

Please provide your support and seize the opportunity to provide clean water, comfort, and hope to these children: http://www.sugiforkids.blogspot.com/


Thursday, June 4, 2009

Garages & Neighbors!

With help from my neighbors and friends, I have been busily prepping for my charity garage sale. As part of this Saturday's Palo Alto Citywide Garage sale, my house will be listed in the local newspaper.

I rallied my neighbors & friends for donations, and bags of goods seem to keep magically appeaing on my doorstep! One neighbor even donated excess inventory from her cool cafe/shop!! The neighborhood kids have also been pitching in--donating lots of toys. They will also be selling lemonade and giving away free popcorn to keep garage-salers happy.

Now I just have to sort & price a few hundred items.

what fun!


Thursday, April 30, 2009


One of my favorite quotes from Mother Teresa is:


I have been reminded of the power and truth behind this message throughout this project.  

One of the first donations I received was from a friend that had recently lost her home in the Santa Barbara fires and was looking for work--she donated because helping women and children is important to her.  I was astounded when she apologized that she could not donate more because the love and care with which she acted made her donation priceless.

Her actions, and those of many others who have reached out to help others in these tough economic times, constantly reaffirms the truth of Mother Teresa's words.   

My thanks to all,

Monday, April 27, 2009

Words of Wisdom

Yesterday, I received some words of wisdom from Alexander McCall Smith, the author of some of my favorite books-- the Ladies No. 1 Detective Agency book series. If you have ever read his books, you know he is splendidly funny on page as well as in person (though he was not doning his usual book-speaking attire---his kilt).

Although the Ladies No. 1 Detective series is set in the land of his childhood, Africa, McCall Smith noted that nothing truly bad ever happens to his main characters. With so many articles/books about the serious issues facing Africa, he explained that he wanted to focus on its beauties--the African people & culture, the sense of community, its children, and the natural wonder.

His wise words were a reminder that this project is not just about the hardships of African children--but about their joy, their families, their country, and perhaps most importantly, their hope!!!

Join me in celebrating the beauty of Afrika & its children.



Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Happy Earth Day!!

I can think of no better way to leave a legacy of peace and love on this Earth then helping all our little children grow and bloom!  This Earth Day, help a child in need:  www.sugiforkids.blogspot.com

Happy Earth Day!


Monday, April 20, 2009

$2000 mark passed--only $12,000 more to go!!

Today I received word that donations to my project have passed $2000.00! I can't properly express the gratitude I feel for the support and kindness that is behind each of those gifts!

With my donation of $6,000 for travel and organizational costs, that leaves just $12,000 more to go!!

What joy!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Easter update

Hi all!

I hope everyone had a great Easter with lots of candy, sunshine, & kids! I took a little break from my project but am back to work cooking up new fundraising ideas and events.

My first "event" literally involved cooking & work--I baked sweets and sold them at NVIDIA. In addition, I posted a request for donations on NVIDIA's intranet. That project raised about $350.

Lately, I have been reaching out to friends, family, and practically everyone else I have ever met. One of the best parts is that I am reconnecting with people and hearing about the causes and projects that are important to them.

I am currently working on a project to engage my local yoga studios--more info on that one to come.

Any ideas, suggestions and help are most welcome!

Thanks for all the support--only $18, 975 to go!

Friday, April 10, 2009

First Steps Off the Mat

As I take my first few steps "Off the Mat", perhaps I should explain how I decided to embark on this journey. I guess it began last year with a bit of soul-searching--asking myself: "What am I passionate about?" and "What breaks my heart?" Turns out the answers to these questions go hand-in-hand: children having the opportunity to reach their full potential. What pained me most was knowing that many never get a chance because they lack the basics needed to survive---clean water, food, and health.

After doing some research, I knew that I wanted to work with Sub-saharan African children because they had the least chance of any population of having these basic necessities. When Off the Mat announced that they would be working with orgs. to provide water, food, schools to these children, I knew that this project was for me!


Thursday, April 9, 2009


Hi All!

I have embarked on a year-long service project to help kids affected by AIDS/HIV in Africa. See my webpage /blog--I will be updating it throughout the year with my latest progress and journey to Africa!

Megan (aka sugi)