Welcome Off the Mat!

In sub-Saharan Africa, 11.6 Million children have been orphaned by HIV/AIDS and 1.8 Million children have HIV/AIDS themselves. 42 million children do not have access to basic needs---clean water, healthy food, or education.

You & I can help.

I am teaming with Off the Mat, Into the World to help African children infected/orphaned/affected by HIV/AIDs. I am raising $20,000 & traveling to Africa in February 2010 to work with these children.

With your help, we will provide:

COMFORT: We will buy new mattresses, water filtration system, and supplies for New Hope School and Orphanage, home to 350 HIV orphans.

EDUCATION: We will purchase land and construct a school for 325 children with Building Tomorrow and local villagers.

PREVENTION: With Shanti Uganda, we will build a birthing/vocational center for HIV mothers to prevent mother-to-child-transmission to babies.

PROTECTION: With YouthAIDS we will work to educate youth and prevent further future spread of HIV/AIDs.

Please DONATE to this worthy cause today!

Monday, July 20, 2009

So how much does a school cost?

Off the Mat Into the World and Ambassadors for Children have partnered with Building Tomorrow to build a primary school, housing for all seven teachers and their families and develop a farm on the school’s property, all for $125,000.

Without housing, it is not uncommon for teachers in Uganda to walk long distances to and from work each morning or live separate from their families. Without providing a meal at school, students often must go an entire school day without eating.

Monies raised during the Seva Challenge will give hundreds of students the same opportunities we so often take for granted-the opportunity to receive an education.

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