Welcome Off the Mat!

In sub-Saharan Africa, 11.6 Million children have been orphaned by HIV/AIDS and 1.8 Million children have HIV/AIDS themselves. 42 million children do not have access to basic needs---clean water, healthy food, or education.

You & I can help.

I am teaming with Off the Mat, Into the World to help African children infected/orphaned/affected by HIV/AIDs. I am raising $20,000 & traveling to Africa in February 2010 to work with these children.

With your help, we will provide:

COMFORT: We will buy new mattresses, water filtration system, and supplies for New Hope School and Orphanage, home to 350 HIV orphans.

EDUCATION: We will purchase land and construct a school for 325 children with Building Tomorrow and local villagers.

PREVENTION: With Shanti Uganda, we will build a birthing/vocational center for HIV mothers to prevent mother-to-child-transmission to babies.

PROTECTION: With YouthAIDS we will work to educate youth and prevent further future spread of HIV/AIDs.

Please DONATE to this worthy cause today!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Words of Wisdom

Yesterday, I received some words of wisdom from Alexander McCall Smith, the author of some of my favorite books-- the Ladies No. 1 Detective Agency book series. If you have ever read his books, you know he is splendidly funny on page as well as in person (though he was not doning his usual book-speaking attire---his kilt).

Although the Ladies No. 1 Detective series is set in the land of his childhood, Africa, McCall Smith noted that nothing truly bad ever happens to his main characters. With so many articles/books about the serious issues facing Africa, he explained that he wanted to focus on its beauties--the African people & culture, the sense of community, its children, and the natural wonder.

His wise words were a reminder that this project is not just about the hardships of African children--but about their joy, their families, their country, and perhaps most importantly, their hope!!!

Join me in celebrating the beauty of Afrika & its children.



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