Welcome Off the Mat!

In sub-Saharan Africa, 11.6 Million children have been orphaned by HIV/AIDS and 1.8 Million children have HIV/AIDS themselves. 42 million children do not have access to basic needs---clean water, healthy food, or education.

You & I can help.

I am teaming with Off the Mat, Into the World to help African children infected/orphaned/affected by HIV/AIDs. I am raising $20,000 & traveling to Africa in February 2010 to work with these children.

With your help, we will provide:

COMFORT: We will buy new mattresses, water filtration system, and supplies for New Hope School and Orphanage, home to 350 HIV orphans.

EDUCATION: We will purchase land and construct a school for 325 children with Building Tomorrow and local villagers.

PREVENTION: With Shanti Uganda, we will build a birthing/vocational center for HIV mothers to prevent mother-to-child-transmission to babies.

PROTECTION: With YouthAIDS we will work to educate youth and prevent further future spread of HIV/AIDs.

Please DONATE to this worthy cause today!

Friday, April 10, 2009

First Steps Off the Mat

As I take my first few steps "Off the Mat", perhaps I should explain how I decided to embark on this journey. I guess it began last year with a bit of soul-searching--asking myself: "What am I passionate about?" and "What breaks my heart?" Turns out the answers to these questions go hand-in-hand: children having the opportunity to reach their full potential. What pained me most was knowing that many never get a chance because they lack the basics needed to survive---clean water, food, and health.

After doing some research, I knew that I wanted to work with Sub-saharan African children because they had the least chance of any population of having these basic necessities. When Off the Mat announced that they would be working with orgs. to provide water, food, schools to these children, I knew that this project was for me!


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