Welcome Off the Mat!

In sub-Saharan Africa, 11.6 Million children have been orphaned by HIV/AIDS and 1.8 Million children have HIV/AIDS themselves. 42 million children do not have access to basic needs---clean water, healthy food, or education.

You & I can help.

I am teaming with Off the Mat, Into the World to help African children infected/orphaned/affected by HIV/AIDs. I am raising $20,000 & traveling to Africa in February 2010 to work with these children.

With your help, we will provide:

COMFORT: We will buy new mattresses, water filtration system, and supplies for New Hope School and Orphanage, home to 350 HIV orphans.

EDUCATION: We will purchase land and construct a school for 325 children with Building Tomorrow and local villagers.

PREVENTION: With Shanti Uganda, we will build a birthing/vocational center for HIV mothers to prevent mother-to-child-transmission to babies.

PROTECTION: With YouthAIDS we will work to educate youth and prevent further future spread of HIV/AIDs.

Please DONATE to this worthy cause today!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

We Did It!!!

Together we raised $22,356.50 for African children infected/orphaned/affected by HIV & AIDs. Add that to the other project participants' contributions, and together we raised $500,000!

I want to thank each and every person who lent their support to me this year through their donations, time, and kind words! There is no way I could have journeyed this far without you and I will never forget your support.

Though I will be traveling to Africa to work with these children, and help build the school & birthing center, I will be sure that they know of the many friends back home that care about them as well.

I will be blogging for Yoga Journal throughout my stay so you can see the wonderful work you made possible!!


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